Brackenbury client Mathys & Squire announces the promotion of three of their attorneys to partnership status. David Hobson, Juliet Redhouse and Andrew White are the next generation partners driving growth across the key Life Sciences and IT & Engineering. The firm now has 30 partners in 10 offices across the UK and Europe. You can […]
Client News 
SEPs and FRAND terms in Europe – is Germany moving towards the approach taken in the UK?
Client NewsThe recent decision by the German Federal Court of Justice in Sisvel v Haier over the handling of SEP FRAND disputes suggests we are likely to see a more uniform approach to such disputes across Europe. Our client’s article analyses this ruling, its specific applicability to UK case law and the implications for SEP’s in other […]
Double Extortion- an emerging trend in ransomware attacks
Client NewsHacker dark face using laptop in the dark room Following the significant rise in ransomware attacks, including the recent Ritz Fraud, which saw A-list celebrity’s personal data jeopardized, our client examines the trend in these attacks. The article focusses on how the Internet of Things will exacerbate the problem as interconnected devices are vulnerable to […]
Double extortion ransomware attacks and how to stop them
Client NewsRansomware attacks are on the rise, with companies that fall victim suffering exorbitant financial costs and reputational damage. Here, our client comments in Computer Weekly on the devastating consequence for businesses if they do not identify and prevent these attacks.
Nokia versus Daimler connected car patent row
Client NewsAs the market for electric vehicles move faster, our client comments on the recent win for Nokia in a major Standards Essential Patents dispute against Daimler over use of 4G connected car technology. Daimler has announced that it does not accept the ruling and will file an appeal
Exploring the minimum wage across Latin America
Client NewsCompanies with multi-jurisdictional operations across various South American jurisdictions will encounter national minimum wage in some form. In this fascinating article, our client makes a comparison of how different the rates of minimum wage are across countries within South America.
The European Commission’s ‘pause’ on CBD novel food applications
Client NewsCBD has clearly been a key component of the exponential growth of products associated with wellness and lifestyle. In July, the European Commission announced, however, that it is pausing all pending applications by CBD products for novel food authorisation. In this article on Open Access Government, our client explains what this will mean for the […]
Keeping secrets: how to protect confidential information and IP
Client NewsIn this article, our client provides an outline of know-how and trade secrets for technology and engineering companies as this is an area that is often in the spotlight, particularly for businesses operating in these sectors. The piece examines the difference between employee knowledge and trade secrets, why it matters and what questions this creates […]
Stop fraud spreading
Client NewsThis feature by our client for members of the Institute of Financial Accountants looks at the risks of any particular frauds that are rising in prevalence at the moment, how accountants can spot the signs in their practice or among clients and gives advice on safeguarding them and their clients.
Clarity and transparency now provided for the sentencing of offenders with mental disorders, developmental disorders or neurological impairments
Client NewsThe coronavirus pandemic has impacted on us all to differing degrees and presented extra challenges. One aspect, experienced by many, is the affect that the enforced changes to our daily lives have had on our mental health. Courts have often struggled to effectively deal with those who fall into this group of offenders. In this […]